Jo Yeates: Remand then charge?? charge then remand?? wtf?!?!
Law firm backs down from piracy case but info still leaked - get more info!
Cat on Downing street - what whimps - rats ahve been in england since ... [insert date here]
Moscow airport bombings... there is a need for security. really. so stop complaining.
Expand on news rant. :)
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Slow News Day (!)
Hey Guys,
So I have moved to vlogging and have that in store for you all. However, I just wanted to rant slightly at how, on the day I decide to vlog and explore new territory, there is NO news (or at least nothing I have much of an opinion about). Then, the very next day, there is a new EXPLOSION!!! :
Police have charged a man for the murder of Jo Yeates, movie plans confirmed for WikiLeaks story, Glee star Chris Colfer has written and will star in a feature film he has just got finance for (don't care about glee, just happy for him, amazed, and well done!! Also well done on the Golden Globe), Goldie Hart's brilliant speech at the Comedy Awards and then Earth is going to have a second sun. Yes, a second sun...
Worst part is, you can tell in the video (that I shall post for you guys later in the week, along with another, more successful one... possibly expanding on this rant...:D) that I have not much to say... stupid news. :P
So, I just wanted to rant as well as let you know that last weeks blog is now a vlog sitting on my computer begging to be posted.
I shall definitely expand on the above.
Until then,
Leave your views and opinions in the comment section below, and keep your eyes open! (seriously need to change that...???)
(GARAGAGAGAGAGA!!!! want your bad romance...)
Hey guys,
I'm not due to do a news vlog/blog yet, but I saw an article today and felt a rant coming on.
So a couple days ago when I was doing our previous post, I looked at this article:
Apparently Adele nearly killed P Diddy. Normally I wouldn't take such interest in this, but I thought how could Adele nearly take down a big gansta rapper dude (I'm not cool, don't judge). Although it isn't as action packed as you'd hope, the bit about her nearly killing P Diddy with a golf cart did make me lmfao... like properly hard. I decided not to report it as I didn't really have an opinion on it.
I do now.
In my news check-ings today I came across this article;
Adele has apparently saved Bob Dylan. I think Adele is having slight difficulty choosing her life direction. Does she wanna be the hard ass who nearly took one of the biggest rappers out with a gorramn golf cart (BOOYA!!! ok.), or does she wanna be the saviour of the godfather of folk? And apparently she is making these claims! It all just makes me laugh, and seriously puts Meredith Brooks 'Bitch' in my head :P.
That's all for now, but I'll keep ya posted. Until then, leave your comments and opinions in the comment section below.
Keep your eyes open.
...I really need a new catch phrase for this... ideas???
Cross Eyed Possum!!!
Hey guys,
Have you seen the crossed-eyed possum?
Now this isn't actually news, but this little guy is slowly going global and even has her own facebook page:
(and several others dedicated to her)
as well as merchandise and a pop song about her. Would love to be her right now! Although being cross eyed effects her vision, animal experts say she'll be fine as possums rely mostly on their sense of smell to navigate. I mainly wanted to share this because she's so cute!
Staying with the animal thing, conservationists in China are dressing up like panda's:
The idea behind it is that the baby panda's won't be able to tell the difference between the handlers and actual panda's and so won't become accustomed to human's, and thus they will be able to go back into the wild and live normal panda lives. Now, this is a good idea I guess, but surely the baby panda's can smell the handlers. Unless they rub themselves down with Au de Panda (panda pee) everyday, I'm sure the baby panda's will be able to tell that there's something going on. But still, there's only minimal contact with us human's and at least they're trying to solve the panda problems... or they just wanted a new uniform...
Another silly article I found in my hunts was this:
A clothes store in Madrid offered the first one hundred semi-naked people through their doors to take two pieces of clothing away free (one top, and one bottom). I think this is a brilliant idea. Not only does it get great publicity for the store, there's free clothes man! And in times when cash is tight, I'm pretty sure everybody is up for free stuff. I think more shops should do this - would make No Pants day a global phenomenon!
Now, there has been a dispute about the TV spot for the new Saw 3D film.
A 10 year old has apparently written in saying the advert, shown after the 7.30 watershed, was 'Distressing' and 'inappropriately scheduled". I don't know about you, but I don't think a ten year-old uses that kind of language, or even cares about the movie. To be fair, his/her parent's may have helped with the letter, if the complaints are actually from the kid and not just their parent's voicing their opinions through the kid, and, having watched the trailer I can see why it could be distressing, but the last ten year old I spoke to had already seen the Grudge. Or do I just know some messed up people? The articles do say the trailer was shown in an ad break for Channel4's The Gadget Show, which is probably pushing it a bit, but I do see Clearcast's point that people watching TV after 7.30 should be able to tell it's a movie trailer. But, I don't know. I'm sorta on the fence with this one. i see both sides of the argument, but don't know which one to back. What do you think?
So, the world seems to be going mad. Or at least, the environment has decided to get us back for global warming. Along with the highly publicized floods in Australia (Thoughts and best wishes go out to them), Brazil has also had floods and mudslides, killing 348 people that we know of so far. This is a tragic event, and with floods happening all over the world (Australia, Brazil, South Africa) I just want to send my thoughts and best wishes out to everyone who has been affected by them. And guys, I'm urging you to send good Karma vibes out as well.
On a cheerier, more 'I can control this' note, the American Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has opened her eyes for the first time since being shot in the head in the January 8th Arizona shootings. I know it's cheer in the context of sadness, and it's political, but I think this is an amazing thing. Some may argue that her involvement has lessened the attention of other's who were involved, but I disagree. Part of me thinks this would have received less attention overall if Gifford wasn't involved. At least Obama is actively getting involved, that can't be a bad thing!
But on the brighter side, Gabrielle Gifford has opened her eyes for the first time in over a week, and I think that is a brilliant sign for anyone.
As always, leave your opinions and views in the comment section below, and keep your eyes open.
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